For one whole week, internationally-renowned thought leaders on the issue of Web3 adoption in the Philippines will be sharing the stage as they discuss the future of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), e-sports, blockchain gaming, DEFI, crypto, and similar other concepts in the ongoing Philippine Web3 Festival.

In a message posted on its website, the event’s organizers said that the festival is meant to showcase how and why the burgeoning Web3 movement began here in the Philippines while bringing in players, builders, and investors together IRL to learn, network, and get real-time, community-based insights into the future direction of Web3.


Led by the troika of Nuseir Yassin a.k.a. Nas Daily, founder and CEO of NAS Company; Gabby Dizon, co-founder of Yuild Guild Games (YGG); and Peter Ing, CEO of BlockChainSpace, the Philippine Web3 Festival will also showcase the future of Web3 while putting a vast array of games, guilds, NFT projects, and crypto VCs together in front of the largest and most engaged web3 audience in the world.

Now taking place at the Marquis Events Place in BGC, Taguig, the week-long event will also highlight a hackathon and an e-sports tournament happening on Axie Infinity. Community-led side events, on the other hand, will also be taking place in different venues all week long. 

In a statement, Dizon of YGG harped on the opportunities that events like the Philippine Web3 Festival can, and will, bring to Filipinos who wish to make a living right in the comforts of their homes. 

“We can see a future where your opportunities are not bound to where you live,” the YGG co-founder said in the press release. “A lot of our countrymen would leave to move to Manila for a higher paying job, and that leads to congestion in the city.”

“But with promising opportunities in e-sports, you can still be at home wherever home is and have access to the same earning opportunities — not just in Metro Manila but also in major cities around the world,” added Dizon.

Nas Daily’s Nuseir, for his part, said that it’s about time we (Filipinos) learn to explore the world of cryptocurrency further. “Crypto stands for two things and two things only,” he said. “It stands for the idea that you can own part of the internet for the first time in the history of the internet.”

“The second is just like what [Gabby Dizon] said. Finally, somebody in Cebu can become successful without coming to Manila [or] somebody from the Philippines can become successful without having to immigrate to Singapore [through e-sports],” he added.

Discussions like these and more are in store for the week-long Philippine Web3 Festival, which will feature a total of 112 speakers, whom the event’s organizers described on its website as “some of the movers and shakers of the Web3 scene.”  

Since play-to-earn took off in 2020, the Philippines has already led the global narrative on the adoption of blockchain gaming and the development of the open Metaverse.

From the dizzying heights of Axie Infinity mania to the creation and proliferation of the guild model, and now, a new wave of Web3 startups, the world has watched as Filipinos led the way.

By Ralph Fajardo

Ralph is a dynamic writer and marketing communications expert with over 15 years of experience shaping the narratives of numerous brands. His journey through the realms of PR, advertising, news writing, as well as media and marketing communications has equipped him with a versatile skill set and a keen understanding of the industry. Discover more about Ralph's professional journey on his LinkedIn profile.