In a country frequently battered by typhoons, floods, and earthquakes, having a robust calamity fund is not just advisable — it’s essential.

As the Philippines continues to face natural disasters, Mocasa, the Philippines’ pioneering virtual credit wallet, is dedicated to helping Filipinos prepare for the unexpected with practical advice on establishing and managing a calamity fund.

Natural disasters can strike with little warning, leaving devastating impacts on lives and homes

Natural disasters can strike with little warning, leaving devastating impacts on homes, livelihoods, and communities.

A calamity fund is designed to provide financial relief in these challenging times, ensuring that you have the resources needed to recover quickly and effectively.

Here are some pointers when building your calamity fund:

  1. Assess your risks and needs — start by evaluating the potential risks and expenses associated with common disasters in your area. In the Philippines, this may include damage from typhoons, flooding, or earthquakes. Understanding the specific needs and costs you might face will help you determine how much to set aside in your calamity fund.
  2. Set clear savings goals — determine how much money you need for your calamity fund. A good rule of thumb is to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses. This amount will provide a financial cushion during emergencies and help cover essential expenses like repairs, medical costs, and temporary living arrangements.
  3. Automate your savings — consistency is key to building a reliable calamity fund. Set up automatic transfers from your paycheck to a separate savings account designated for emergencies. By automating your savings, you ensure that you are consistently contributing to your fund without the temptation to spend.
  4. Review and adjust regularly — regularly review your calamity fund to ensure it remains adequate for your needs. As your financial situation or the risk environment changes, adjust your savings goals and strategies accordingly. Stay informed about local weather patterns and disaster preparedness resources to remain proactive.
  5. Leverage financial tools — Mocasa offers practical financial solutions to support your calamity fund. With the introduction of Mocasa Quick Loan, you can borrow up to PHP 25,000, payable in three monthly instalments, providing an additional layer of financial support in case of emergencies. This feature allows you to quickly access funds if your calamity fund falls short or if you need immediate assistance.

Mocasa waives penalty fees until August 4

In addition, and as a response to the recent stormy weather, the company has decided to waive the penalty fee on overdue loans until August 4.

This initiative aims to provide relief to clients who may be facing financial difficulties due to adverse weather conditions. By alleviating this burden, Mocasa hopes to support Filipinos in times of need.

Mocasa is committed to empowering Filipinos with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate financial challenges, especially during natural disasters. By integrating practical saving strategies with innovative financial solutions, the pioneering virtual credit wallet aims to help individuals and families build resilience and financial security.

Download the app now in Google Play and App Store and be prepared for any unexpected expenses.

Mocasa is a financial technology company duly licensed and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and an accredited accessing entity of Credit Information Corporation (CIC). To learn more about the latest updates from Mocasa, visit or its Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok accounts.

As a fintech company founded in 2021 that focuses on providing innovative credit payment services to the Philippine market, Mocasa has been providing full support to the government and finance industry regulators in making Filipinos more financially literate.

About Mocasa

Mocasa, the Philippines’ first virtual credit wallet, is a fintech firm that focuses on offering innovative credit payment services to the Philippine market. The company also supports the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)’s digital transformation roadmap and its vision of a cashless society, which is why it is now doing credit payments via QRPH and digital Mastercard.

It intends to provide Filipino consumers with the ease of credit payment at any time and from any location – online or offline – while also providing perks such as zero interest when paying on time, flexible instalment plans, and credit limit growth.

Mocasa currently has over 200,000 active customers who have obtained credit limits. It has also integrated with many well-known partners to provide quality credit services such as Mastercard and is accredited by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Credit Information Corporation (CIC).

To learn more about Mocasa or to experience its credit payment service, visit or download the Mocasa App in Google Play and App Store.

By Ralph Fajardo

Ralph is a dynamic writer and marketing communications expert with over 15 years of experience shaping the narratives of numerous brands. His journey through the realms of PR, advertising, news writing, as well as media and marketing communications has equipped him with a versatile skill set and a keen understanding of the industry. Discover more about Ralph's professional journey on his LinkedIn profile.