Democratization of Education in the Information Age

Over the years, education worldwide has experienced significant democratization, primarily driven by the Information Age and advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Nowadays, students can access an abundance of resources, including millions of YouTube videos, short courses, and other online tools that were once unavailable without the internet.

Challenges of Abundant Information

However, this democratization also presents challenges. The overwhelming volume of information available online, combined with university course curricula, can make it difficult for students to filter and transform this information into relevant knowledge. This often hinders their ability to develop the skills and competencies needed for real-world jobs.

Additionally, the diversity in students’ learning styles, interests, and career aspirations means they struggle to find learning programs or platforms that cater to their specific educational needs.

“In the era of digital transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, workplaces seek agile, entrepreneurial professionals who can quickly adapt and pivot in a highly competitive and dynamic economy,” says Mapúa University President Dr. Dodjie Maestrecampo. “To meet this demand, we had to move beyond traditional learning methods and adopt new approaches that will better prepare students for these volatile work environments.”

Flexible and Inclusive Learning

In the Philippines, students face additional barriers to higher education, such as financial constraints, geographical challenges, and limited access to technology, often forcing them to abandon their college pursuits. This inspired the creation of Mapúa X.

Mapúa X is an innovative online learning marketplace designed to expand access to quality education and meet the evolving needs of modern learners. This initiative reflects a broader trend in higher education, with many universities adopting similar approaches.

“The education system must prioritize flexibility, inclusivity, and alignment with various industry demands,” explains Maestrecampo. “Our goal is to provide learners from diverse backgrounds with access to education and ensure their success by helping them acquire competencies and skills that are highly sought after in the global job market. To achieve this, we need a platform that enables learning beyond the constraints of traditional campus-based programs.”

A New Approach to Learning

Imagine a video streaming platform, but instead of movies, it offers interactive courses, programs, microcredentials, and training. Mapúa X functions like a streaming platform for education, offering a user-friendly and innovative approach to learning.

The platform provides a wide range of educational content, from technology and engineering to business and creative arts. It features interactive, multimedia-rich courses with video lectures, simulations, and real-time feedback, making the learning process more engaging and effective than traditional text-based content.

Mapúa X was developed through a partnership between Mapúa University and Anthology, an education technology company. Anthology offers a comprehensive ecosystem of tech solutions designed to enhance learning experiences, streamline administrative processes, and ensure engaging and effective educational content.

“Through Anthology’s LMS, we’re able to make Mapúa X user-friendly while delivering high-quality educational content,” says Samuel Tang, Anthology’s Country Manager for the Philippines. “Students can now easily navigate their courses, access resources, submit assignments, and communicate with their professors throughout their individualized learning journeys.”

Promoting Lifelong Learning

Mapúa X caters to both traditional students and lifelong learners, serving as a digital common space beyond the campus.

“Our collaboration with Anthology allows us to use a training and development manager (TDM) approach within a robust LMS platform,” Maestrecampo explains.

“Mapúa X enables continuous education, professional development, and community enrichment without the need to enroll on campus. Students can self-enroll in courses, earn credentials, and access all their past, present, and future courses from anywhere, at any time,” the Mapúa University president adds.

This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES