Campaign seen to boost business security and operational excellence

Today, as the Philippines celebrates Independence Day, UNAWA launches its ‘Freedom’ campaign to empower businesses with advanced digital solutions designed to enhance security and operational excellence.


At the forefront of this initiative is SignSecure, an innovative e-signature platform that integrates facial recognition technology to protect against forgery and ensure legal enforceability.

Alongside SignSecure, the campaign also features UCheck, a cutting-edge tool for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance, which safeguards against fraud and ensures stringent adherence to regulations.

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Addressing security threats, improving operational efficiency

UNAWA, a leader in legal tech innovation in the Philippines, aims to address security threats and improve operational efficiency with its new offerings. This launch represents a significant leap in digital security, providing businesses with the tools they need to operate fearlessly in an increasingly digital world.

A key highlight of the campaign is the enhanced SignSecure platform. By incorporating facial recognition technology, SignSecure verifies the identity of each signer at every step of the e-signature process, setting a new industry standard.

This ensures both the security and the legal enforceability of transactions, making e-signatures smooth and legally binding globally.

Additionally, the ‘Freedom’ campaign introduces UCheck, a sophisticated tool for AML compliance. Recently showcased at the 67th RBAP Charter Anniversary Symposium at SMX Bacolod, UCheck is already gaining popularity among financial institutions, especially rural banks.

UCheck helps businesses protect against fraud and meet regulatory requirements by providing comprehensive customer insights through global sanctions lists, Politically Exposed Person (PEP) checks, and Adverse Media checks.

The ‘Freedom’ campaign aims to give businesses the stability and resilience needed to thrive. By enhancing security, efficiency, and compliance, UNAWA is helping companies become more adaptable and robust in the face of various challenges.

The launch of ‘Freedom’ marks a new era for businesses in the Philippines, underscoring UNAWA’s commitment to fostering a secure and compliant business environment. For more information about UNAWA and its innovative solutions, please visit the UNAWA website.

This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES