Arches, a prominent expert knowledge-sharing platform, has successfully raised US$3 million in a funding round led by KUSABI, with additional investments from Visional Inc., SMBC Venture Capital, and several angel investors from leading investment firms.

Top executives and staff of Arches strike a pose during a recent Corporate Trip event

This latest infusion of capital brings the company’s total funding to US$5 million.

Arches: Bridging the knowledge gap

Arches has quickly earned a reputation as a vital conduit for connecting global decision-makers with the specialized expertise needed to navigate Asia’s complex markets.

After all, the company’s “Expert Matching” service stands out.

It allows clients, primarily consulting firms and investment companies, to access highly specialized knowledge quickly through hourly expert interviews. Unlike competitors, Arches boasts a robust system.

With a network exceeding 100,000 experts, primarily in Asia, and a dedicated recruiting team based in offshore BPO centers like Vietnam, Arches can connect clients with niche experts in cutting-edge fields – a capability unmatched in the industry.

Through its flagship “Expert Matching” service, the company has since facilitated connections for over 300 clients across more than 20 countries, leveraging a network of more than 100,000 vetted experts. And yet, Arches aims to further its impact.

Introducing the Expert Knowledge Bank
The new funding will be instrumental in advancing the “Expert Knowledge Bank,” an innovative platform designed to convert expert interviews into a searchable database of actionable insights.

This initiative allows clients to access discounted expert consultations in return for contributing to the growing knowledge repository, thus democratizing specialized information that was previously accessible only to a select few.

By accumulating interview transcriptions with experts from around the world matched by Arches, the company hopes to make it easier and less expensive for more customers to search for and view expert knowledge at any time.

The service was launched in beta in 2023 and is used mainly by investment firms investing in listed stocks. In the future, Arches plans to increase the amount of content, especially interviews, and expand functions such as article summaries and trend analysis using ChatGPT.

“The Expert Knowledge Bank is more than a database; it’s the future of knowledge sharing,” stated Hiroki Kato, CEO and Co-founder of Arches, in a press release.

“We are building a platform where anyone, anywhere, can tap into the collective wisdom of Asia’s brightest minds,” he added.

Arches’ vision for global expansion

Arches’ ambitions are not confined to Asia. The company plans to broaden its expert network to include Europe and the United States, establishing itself as a truly global knowledge-sharing platform.

Additionally, Arches will invest in new marketing strategies to reach a wider audience, targeting corporations and financial institutions seeking a competitive edge in an increasingly complex global landscape.

The future of expertise
With this latest funding round, Arches is set to usher in a new era of knowledge sharing, where expertise is not a privilege but a powerful resource accessible to all.

The confidence of investors underscores the potential for Arches to disrupt and redefine the knowledge-sharing industry.

Yuki Watanabe, Representative Partner at KUSABI, remarked, “Arches is not just addressing a market need; they’re creating a new category. We’re excited to be part of their journey as they scale globally.

The company’s comprehensive platform, offering expert interviews, research, consulting, and talent placement, is poised to become the premier destination for organizations looking to harness the power of knowledge to drive growth and innovation.

Arches, with its motto “Share Knowledge, Empower Asia,” operates across five global locations including Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. They’ve built a unique “knowledge-sharing business” model. This model connects companies looking for specialized expertise with the right experts to help them invest in new ventures or solve existing challenges.

This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES